Do a Quick Self-Assessment
Use this self-assessment to see how your business is currently performing and to identify areas where you can improve accessibility.
Read these fact sheets
You can find detailed information on your legal obligations and the positive duty to prevent discrimination in the fact sheets below. The fact sheets provide you with information on how you can meet your obligations and improve accessibility. This includes communicating effectively with people with different kinds of disability and how you can make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your customers who have a disability:
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
You can contact the Commission’s Enquiry Line on 1300 292 153 for more information about your legal obligations and rights under the Equal Opportunity Act regarding discrimination including disability discrimination, reasonable adjustments for people with a disability and other information related to accessibility.
Education, training and consultancy Our education, training and consultancy services can help you understand your obligations regarding disability discrimination and accessibility. For more information and to register online visit or call (03) 9032 3415. |
National Relay Service
The NRS (National Relay Service) is an Australian Government initiative funded by a levy on eligible telecommunications carriers.
The NRS (National Relay Service) consists of:
• a Relay Service Provider which runs the call centre where relay officers relay your calls to other people, and
• an Outreach Service Provider which runs the outreach service to provide support and information about the use of the NRS (National Relay Service).
Visit the website here: National Relay Service
The NRS (National Relay Service) consists of:
• a Relay Service Provider which runs the call centre where relay officers relay your calls to other people, and
• an Outreach Service Provider which runs the outreach service to provide support and information about the use of the NRS (National Relay Service).
Visit the website here: National Relay Service